12 Things Bisexual Women In Heterosexual Relationships Want You To Know

2. We’re usually more transparent about our heterosexual relationships because, oh, you know, even walking down the street holding hands with someone of the same sex/gender incites nasty looks and comments.
3. Please don’t assume we’re just “experimenting” because you’ve seen other women “go back to men.”
4. We’re not “in hiding” if we aren’t transparent about our sexual orientation.
5. There’s no faster way to completely erase us from the spectrum or deny our identity altogether than with this winning phrase: “but I thought you were gay!”

7. We haven’t “gone back to boys” because that’s just “what happens!”

9. This isn’t for attention, nor is it just being “slutty.”
10. Bisexual men, objectively, have it harder, but for the same (weird, false, annoying) reason that we do.
11. This is not the “gateway drug” of sexual orientation.
12. There’s nothing to “choose.”
If your gf is bisexual,be sure to know the 12 things above,or you'll certainly hurt her.Knowing them will be good for both of you.
Learn more things about bis on bisexual free dating
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