Dating a Bisexual Seriously or Just For Fun

- Lesbian Women. These women are attra
cted to other women, period. However, like any other young person, they might experiment with men just to see what all the hype is about. If you’ve ever met a lesbian with a child she conceived from a relationship with a man, then you might know what I’m talking about. - Bi-curious Women. These women are prone to make out with a friend after a few drinks, to just have fun, or to make their lives look more adventurous on fake-life sites like Instagram/Facebook/Twitter than they would ever be in real life. These types of women are usually “team bisexual” in that they’re only attracted to women as a matter of convenience, but you’ll rarely find them willing to go much further than second base.
- Bisexual Women. Last but not least are the truly bisexual; women who are as equally attracted to women as they are to men. Truly bisexual women are as open to dating a woman as they are a man, and they don’t need the excuse of alcohol to justify being attracted to someone of the same sex.
Despite all the rap songs, adult films and rumors to the contrary, seriously dating a bisexual woman is really not that different than dating a heterosexual woman. When I tell people I dated a bisexual woman, they (men and women) often wonder why I would ever stop. I look at it like this: I can’t lie, it was fun, but so is a roller coaster and I don’t ride those every day. Sometimes the stability of a “normal” relationship is underrated.
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