Somethings All Bisexual People Will Relate to

1. First, here’s a friendly reminder that it’s not a phase.

2. And yes *whispers* we exist!

3. And we don’t care if you don’t like us.

4. We’d rather use our energy for more important things.

5. We are just as real as you are.

6. It’s always a bit awkward when you’re still in the closet.

7. And well, coming out isn’t as easy as it seems.

8. Stereotypes are the worst.

9. You’re really open to any questions, but sometimes you just want to give up.

10. People automatically assume that you’re greedy or a cheater.

11. Because, apparently you can’t be bisexual, you’re either gay or straight.

12. Sometimes, it feels like the whole world is against you.

13. We’re not horny predators.

14. In fact, we’re just like you.

15. You cried of happiness because of Oberyn.

In a word, we are bisexual, and if you couldn't accept that, it's still kind of you to just leave us alone, please not to hurt us with your words, we are just like you all. 


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