You don't have to be equally attracted to red-heads and brunettes to be attracted to both, and preferring lettuce to liver doesn't make you a vegetarian, so why do some people insist that "true"
bisexuals are exactly and equally attracted to men and women? We suspect it's to keep the numbers of bisexuals down, or to excuse themselves from identifying as bi.
Some bisexuals prefer androgynous partners, some don't. Some really love the differences between the sexes, others don't see those differences. Some of us are only attracted to 5% of one gender, and 60% of the other - you don't need to be 50/50 or have those add up to 100. And some bisexuals believe that thinking in terms of two genders is restrictive.

The Kinsey Scale rates people's experiences from heterosexual to homosexual and has in the middle "equally
heterosexual and homosexual", and sadly a lot of people have heard that bisexuality is the middle of the scale, when in fact the scale doesn't mention 'bi' at all. We prefer to think of bisexuality as being like the English Channel, you get wet as soon as you start swimming from Dover and can't dry off until Calais, no matter how deep it is beneath you!
Sexuality isn't black and white - and the spectrum between gay and straight isn't grey. Think about it this way - rather than black and white, sexuality is red and blue. Purple is not the new red-blue, purple is the new purple. And there's more colors besides that between red and blue, there's orange, yellow and green for starters!
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