It's not always easy
being bi. Between stereotypes of oversexed, unfaithful bisexuals and social pressure to "pick a side," not to mention the fact that bi people are more likely to be closeted and face higher rates of depression, drug and alcohol abuse, and intimate partner violence, coming out as bisexual can be enormously challenging. But there are also lots of things, big and small, that are joyful and worth celebrating. So since June is
LGBT Pride Month, let's talk about why being bi (or pansexual or polysexual or otherwise attracted to more than one gender) is awesome!
1. You never have to question your sexuality because you're attracted to someone.
2.You're revolutionary just by existing.
3. You can easily give up men or give up women without giving up dating.
4. You can pursue a relationship with anyone you think is rad, regardless of gender.
5. You have a built-in jerk repellent.
6. You have a million sexual possibilities!
7. You have some awesome bi role models.
8. You can wave the bi pride flag.
9. You know you can't assume someone's orientation just by who they're dating.
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