What Should I Do If My Partner Is Bisexual?

On hearing their partner is bi, some people wonder if
this means they'll be unfaithful, or leave them for someone of a different gender, or if this means they've already been sleeping around
during the relationship.
But being bisexual doesn't mean these things - just as
being attracted to a range of hair colors, or ages, doesn't mean that
either. You're the one they're with, you!
If the prompt that made your partner tell you was a
simple desire to be more truthful, that's great. Kind of like telling
you they're really adopted just after you met their parents. Try to
treat it like that, and not like they lost the car.
It's not the lottery either - rather than think "Are
there some good things about having a bisexual partner?" may be you
could try wondering "Are there some good things about having a partner
who loves me so much they'll be honest to me?"
But if they're telling you the reason they're being
unfaithful (for example) is because actually they're bisexual, then feel
free to wag a finger at them for us. Being bi doesn't make people unfaithful to their partners. Deciding to be unfaithful does that fine on its own.
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